@oppostate, as said earlier, what you think of as the confederate flag is not the confederate flag, people understood that for centuries. Only in the last 2 decades has it become “offensive” because ignorant people declared it as such.
There is nothing offensive to me about waving any flag, it lets us know where you stand. Whether it’s the white power raised fist (which has been pretty much eradicated from view) or the black power raised fist (which is now everywhere in BLM imagery), whether it’s Nazi or socialist-anarchist flags (which is now everywhere in Antifa imagery), so-called confederate, US Northerner or actual Southern battle flags, your freedom of speech trumps my right to be offended.
if you’re offended about racism, then you don’t understand humans. All humans are flawed, some are racists, some are evil, all are ignorant about some things, education, not persecution is the best way. It’s what MLK taught about freedom that the majority of people have forgotten. Racism from either side, whether it’s KKK white supremacy or BLM black supremacy is evil, whatever flag they fly that under is not important, the way of thinking, that you are somehow better or some people are worse than others because of your or their skin color is an evil in and of itself. White supremacy has effectively been eradicated since the Democrat party morphed itself in the 60s and 70s from being the party of the KKK against Civil Rights into a socialist welfare party. Black supremacy is making a comeback, this pendulum will swing.